STI – Sexually transmitted infection


Pay attention to your health condition if you forgot to respect principles of safer sex and had a risky sexual intercourse – even only an oral one. If you suspect that you may have contracted a sexually transmitted infection and you found out that you have any of the following symptoms, then avoid a sexual intercourse, so that you do not further spread the infection; immediately see a dermatologist (skin doctor)  and respect his/her recommendations.

when you observe pain and burning when urinating, a white-yellow to green-yellow discharge from the urethra (in women from vagina) or itching in the rectum or sore throat after 2 – 14 days after risky sex, then you may have been infected by gonorrhoea.  Attention – gonorrhoea may not be accompanied by any symptoms, and untreated may lead to various complications, including infertility. After having risky sexual intercourse, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist (skin doctor).

if you observe a red spot or pimple on your genitals, rectum or mouth which later turns into a non-painful abrasion or ulcer, you can feel enlargement of the nearest lymph nodes, if you observe an increased temperature or if you have a rash on the skin on your body or limbs in 9-12 weeks after an unprotected sexual intercourse, then you may have been infected by syphilis. Attention – syphilis may not be accompanied by any symptoms.

Unrecognized and untreated syphilis leads after years to serious complications affecting the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, heart, blood vessels, bones and skin. During the pregnancy, the foetus may become infected, which can lead to an abortion or the baby can be born with numerous congenital defects.

if you feel pain when urinating, intermittently observe a watery discharge from the urethra, vagina, then you may have been infected with chlamydia. Attention – in 70%, chlamydiaL infection occurs without symptoms. Untreated infections can lead to various complications, e.g. joint problems, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Chlamydial infection is currently the most common sexually transmitted infection.

when men suffer from genital itching or redness of the foreskin and/or glans, or women suffer from burning in the vagina and observe dense creamy discharge from the vagina, then you may have a yeast infection.

are small warts on the mucous membrane of the genitals or rectum, which cause itching.  Attention – certain types of HPV viruses that are causing genital warts may lead to cervical cancer in women. They may also cause rectal cancer especially in men who have sex with men (MSM).  Genital warts  have recently been linked to cancer in the oral cavity.

blisters that turn early into painful sores on the genitals, rectum or mouth mean that you may have been infected by herpes. Attention – the genital sore often re-occurs when you are weakened. If the infection is transferred from mother to a child during the delivery, the infection can seriously endanger the new-born.

if you notice, in 2 – 6 weeks after risky sexual intercourse, a fever, headache, muscle or joints pain, inflammation of the nasopharynx, swollen lymph nodes, rash on the body or back, then you may also have an acute HIV infection that leads to immunodeficiency and AIDS disease after years. Attention – HIV infection may not be accompanied by any symptoms, the infection can be diagnosed only by laboratory tests (HIV test).